Somewhere along the way, many of us lose touch with our dreams. Maybe you never had the chance to dream at all. Maybe, when you were younger, someone told you that dreams don’t come true, so why set yourself up for disappointment? So, you didn’t. You learned to live without them.
Or maybe you did d...
There were so many things I thought I’d never get to do again after my divorce. Fishing, in a boat, with my son, was one of them.
Not because I didn’t want to, but because I didn’t know how. I had never driven a boat before, and since I don’t swim well, I convinced myself that I shouldn’t even try....
Is personal development as important as professional professional development?Â
In my experience, the short answer is- YES!
While professional development helps enhance a person's skills and knowledge related to their work, personal development focuses on the person who then goes to their professi...
Is creating a vision board just a fun craft exercise?
Absolutely NOT.
Designing a vision board is the first step in realizing the life of your dreams.
You can't see it right now, but currently, there are four vision boards hanging in my office. I recently took some time to really book at the...
Have you been noticing a great debate about resolutions and some very strong opinions about whether it's a bunch of bulls*%# or if it's a worthy choice to make?
Here's what I believe...
If it's January 1st, make a resolution.
If it's January 9th, make a resolution.
No matter what day it is on...
 I remember thinking that 40 was old.
Today I turned 52 and I don’t feel old at all. As a matter of fact, I feel like I’m just getting started and the best years are ahead of me! I have been reflecting on life and what changed my mind, and I thought today was a good time to share it.  Â
I was a...
 Don’t deny your feelings
If today had a color, it would be blue.
Not sure why… maybe it’s because I think my tears would be blue, or because it describes how I am feeling. Perhaps it’s because I am gazing across the lake right now of my summer home knowing I have to leave. It’s been an i...
Something I am learning about myself,
I tend to avoid things I don’t want to face.
I distract myself by keeping busy, so I don’t have to face how I feel or make hard decisions.
Not on purpose, but because it’s how I learned to cope.
I know I am not alone in this.
It’s easier to be numb...