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How I took back my life - and you can too!

#blog #selfconfidence #takebacklife Feb 15, 2025

There were so many things I thought I’d never get to do again after my divorce. Fishing, in a boat, with my son, was one of them.

Not because I didn’t want to, but because I didn’t know how. I had never driven a boat before, and since I don’t swim well, I convinced myself that I shouldn’t even try.

That fear could have kept me stuck. It could have become another limitation I placed on myself, another excuse for why life couldn’t be the way I wanted it to be.

But something inside me refused to accept that.

I remember sitting in the audience at a Tony Robbins event when he said “If you want to take the island, burn your boats." At the time I didn't fully understand it, but I knew he meant that to take charge of your life, you have to find the courage to start, and commit to succeed by going all in. 

Over the years, I’ve made it a habit to push myself beyond my comfort zone. Every challenge I’ve faced has been an opportunity to grow, and this was no different. 

So, I made the decision. I wasn’t going to let fear of the unknown hold me back. I rented the boat, I took the lesson, I packed up the gear, put on our life vests, and left the shore.

We didn’t catch a single fish that day. But the catch wasn’t the point. The real victory was the moment I looked over at my son and saw the joy on his face. The real win was proving to myself that I could do this. That smile? It was real. Because we weren’t just fishing—we were breaking through barriers.

What’s Holding You Back?

How many things in your life have you decided you “can’t” do?

Maybe it’s starting a new career, stepping into leadership, moving to a new city, or even something as simple as learning a new skill. The truth is, we all have these internal stories—these limitations we place on ourselves. But what if they’re just that? Stories.

What if you tried? What if you faced that fear head-on?

What could happen if you took the leap?

It’s Worth the Risk

Fear will always be there. It whispers reasons why you shouldn’t, why you can’t, why it’s safer to stay where you are. But what if the real risk isn’t failing? What if the real risk is never trying at all?

That day on the boat, I realized something: I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul. And so are you.

If there’s something in your life you’re holding back from because of fear, I challenge you to take the first step. Growth happens when we lean into the unknown and when we choose to believe in what’s possible— instead of what’s comfortable.

I’m here to help you take the lead in your life. You already have what it takes—I’m just here to help you get there faster.

So, what’s the "boat" you need to step into today? Maybe, just maybe, it’s worth the risk.

With belief in you, 
